Hail damage on a roof

Hail damage on a roof

Homeowners must know that more than just their vehicles are potentially vulnerable to damage and future repairs during a hail storm. Nature has its way of testing the durability of our homes, and one of the common culprits is hail. Hailstorms can wreak havoc on diverse parts of your property. In this blog, we’ll discuss roof damage by hail, hail damage, and ways hail damage looks on a roof.

Anatomy of Hailstorm

Hail is formed when thunderstorm updrafts carry raindrops into the weather of extremely cold atmosphere areas, causing them to freeze. Frozen raindrops are lifted and fall repeatedly within the storm; additional layers of ice accumulate, forming hailstones. All these hailstones eventually become too heavy for the updrafts to deliver support, and they fall to the ground, often causing harm to anything in their path.

Roof Damaged by Hail

Roof Damaged by Hail

Hail hits can damage your residential or commercial property. Some factors can affect the type and degree of damage that might impacted by a hailstorm. Identify hail damage to various types of shingles and roofing materials: –

  • Wind: – During an entire hailstorm, there is variation in wind speed, and wind direction can vary. Fluctuations in wind conditions can affect the location and severity of hail impacts.
  • Size and Density: The size of the hailstorm can affect the property; hailstone can be as small as a pea or as large as a softball. Most hailstones do not have smooth edges that can affect the type of damage.
  • Building Materials: – Building materials absorb hail impact differently. Hail can lead to dings in aluminum siding, gutters or asphalt shingles, although it can crack vinyl siding or wood shakes. Softball-sized hailstones can be strong enough to puncture a roof. The age and condition of the roof could affect the degree of damage.

Barriers: – Position of neighboring structures and natural barriers like fences or adjacent homes; landscaping can reduce the ability of hail to cause damage.

What does hail damage look like on a roof?

What does hail damage look like on a roof?

During hail weather, you should check the perimeter of your home and look for any kind of visible damage. If you are concerned that there may be deeper damage that might not be visible, please call a roofing professional to come and take a look.

  • Check for missing pieces in the asphalt of the roof. Do look for the shingle areas with exposed and black substrate.
  • Always search for bruising in the shingles. Dents from hail are not visible completely. It would help to run your hand over the shingle to feel for small dimples on the surface.
  • Look for the cracking in the shingle that might appear on large hail, which can make a circular crack if the hail hits it hard enough.

Can Hail Roof Damage Be Repaired?

If you witness damage to your roof from hail, it can certainly be repaired, but it depends on the extent of the damage witnessed in the roof and many other factors.

Here are some common repair options for diverse types of hail damage on roofs:

  • Replacing Damaged Shingles
  • Sealing Cracks and Punctures
  • Wood Roof Repairs
  • Paintless Dent Repair for Metal roofs
  • Professional Inspection and Evaluation
  • Insurance Claim and Coverage
  • Preventing Measures

Homeowners must take timely action as it remains crucial for addressing hail damage effectively and preventing secondary issues that could lead to more extensive and costly repairs.


Hailstorms can affect your home’s roof, making you take proactive measures to address hail damage that remains crucial for the long-term well-being of your home.

Regular inspection, timely repairs and a collaborative effort with your insurance provider can assist you with the storm and keep your home secure and safe.

Excel Construction Group professionals assist you with hail damage on a roof. Contact us to get a quotation for the roof repair.

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